This ancient Chinese healing tradition is used to balance the body’s energy meridians, heal internal organs and relieve pain. Acupuncture has proven highly effective in treating asthma, headaches, digestive disorders and many other illnesses.
Frank Jasper cured my painful stiff neck in just two visits!
Yvonne Regan,
Pacific Palisades, CA
Sanda is a remarkably gifted and powerful healer. Working with her has been a truly life changing experience, for which I will remain forever grateful to her.
Irina Kerdman, Ph.D.,
Santa Barbara, CA
I've been going to Frank Jasper for his acupuncture expertise since 2004 and he's wonderful! I went to him to help with my breast cancer treatment but have continued to see him to not only stay cancer free, but to keep my body balanced, whole and healthy. I'd recommend Frank very highly!
Vicki Tashman, Founder, Pink-Link,
Los Angeles, CA
Sanda's unique ability to "read energy" combined with her understanding of the psychological and spiritual issues that prevent or enable self growth creates a therapeutic environment that is powerful, safe and highly empathic. And as for couples counseling, my friends, colleagues and I call her "The Husband Whisperer!"